Video Projector on any Budget

You can easily go to a 120″ diagonal and bigger on a projector that
costs under $500.00.
Just realize that price will only buy you an XGA Projector,
which is 1024 X 768 Resolution.
It’s not quite 720P, but for the price
it is always a hit.
Be cautious of packaging or salesman information:
Some industry packaging is misleading and cannot always be trusted. There are several installers/ owners I have worked with that
have told their customers they were getting a higher resolution, then what was actually
At the time they didn’t know and the customer never realized they
got an XGA Projector, because of the wow factor.
The customer was told they were getting a 720p or 1080p projector, simply because
the salesman/ installer/ customer didn’t understand the difference between compatibility
of the projector and the native resolution (If you end up with a picture that is almost square “4:3”, then you don’t have High Def “16:9”).
Want High Definition:
You can get 720P and 1080P Projectors for less that a $1000.00, just be careful.
See –
Do I need a Screen:
If you are putting a lot of money into the project, most people would use a screen.
Especially when you can get an economical 100″ screen for under 600 hundred bucks.
If you are more interested in creating a large image that looks good on a budget, a wall painted flat white is good and add a black border to make it even better.

You can set the projector on the ground or on a shelf of some sort.
The most common way is to mount the projector upside down from the ceiling with a projector mount see above.
Extend the cables from your source device to the projector.
If you are coming from your cable box; you would come out with HDMI, through your wall, up in the attic and down to the projector.
These projectors do not have very good audio, so a stereo system is advised.